Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The highlights of day four of installation

An exciting day when the skies look very stormy and the weather report promises zero rain!

Debbie was joined today by Robert, Michelle, Georgia and Bronwyn. and a newcomer - Harry the dirty dog.

All of the children's artwork is on the mural and most of the mural is grouted. Still have a couple of days to go to complete the work but it is a good sight to see if you want to go and have a look at it. I appreciated a student from St Theresa's coming to tell me that he had been down to have a look at it and find his artwork.

The artwork is on the Albion side of the creek, close to the river. easily seen from the walking/cycling path as it goes past the Lifestyle village. Only about 300 metres form Ballarat Rd.

Harry the dirty dog.
I went down tot he waters edge with a bucket on a rope to fish out some water from the creek and Lucy came bounding after me and plonk straight into it. But the banks are very steep so she couldnt get back out of the water. I luckily was able to reach her and pull her out by her collar, whipping her through the air back onto the bank.
immediatley forgetting the dire circumstances she gleefully rolled int he dirt wherever she could find it. So here she is as harry the dirty dog, caked in water, mud, buzzies and grass seeds.

The four ladies in their armchairs having a break.

Our little friend slowly turning white again as the black dust drops off.  Michelle putting on the grout.

scrub, scrub scrub. The unfortunate thing about mosaicing is that you have to rub grout all over the artwork and then clean it back off the surface. 

Robert took on the job of adding the missing words to the text.

here is Bronwyn cleaning up the night sky creatures, moths, birds and sugar gliders.

George, seen here scrubbing the grout off the fish and eels. George and Bronwyn worked very hard on this section, polishing it all up, so when you look at it you know who made it look so shiny, and special.

just a couple of gaps left but we are getting there

the eels swimming in the river - made by Albion Primary School students. They are wonderful eels with very good details and everybody comments on them. Above them you can see the summer fires again by Albion Primary School students

The fish are looking fabulous - made by Mother of God School Students

Our Two gorgeous kangaroos made at the Albion Community House workshop.

Today we completed adding all of the text and some of it is grouted and looks wonderful

We refer to these as Bekka's echidnas, because she glued them on. They were made by students from Ardeer Primary School. And now they have been grouted.

more information about the project

Kororoit Creek - 
Wurundjeri Acknowledgement Project   2015

Brimbank Council have approved a 'Community Strengthening Grant for this project which will cover the costs of materials and consultation and involvement of Wurundjeri Elders with the project. 

Debbie has been working with Wurundjeri Elders to design the mural. The theme of the mural is the  six seasons that the Wurundjeri people acknowledged and organised their year of activities and food gathering around. This theme relates specifically to their use of the Kororoit Creek and their careful management of the natural environment so that it could sustain them and continue to regenerate. The educational aims are to give children an understanding of the Indigenous perspective of the environment and to acknowledge the heritage of the local land and the Wurundjeri People.

This project will be an artwork made onto the concrete cylinder that is down by the Kororoit Creek where many artefacts of the Wurundjeri People have been found.
Debbie will be organising this project in liason with Brimbank Council departments of Community Planning and Engagement  and Sustainability and Environment. Four local schools are involved  in making the ceramic pieces for this artwork; Albion Primary School, St Theresa's School, Ardeer Primary and Mother of God School.

here is our cylinder, on which the mural will be made using ceramics and mosaic. It is seven metres around and 120 centimetres high.

link to google map of the site: (this view shows the cylinder in the centre of the page)


Wurundjeri Heritage Links

Original Research of the Wurundjeri Seasons by Dr Beth Gott, has been adapted to match the Kororoit Creek area as much as possible,

link to google map of the artwork site: (this view shows the cylinder in the centre of the page)